Social Media Influencers

Partner with Us

As a social media influencer you have an audience. 

You are heard. You are seen. You are considered a role model.
And you likely promote and advocate for important causes.

Contribute to the well-being of your followers by promoting positive and constructive values in relationships.

Are you aware of the benefits and importance of Marriage Education? 

Marriage Education provides couples with essential skills and tools to build and maintain healthier relationships. Marriage Education positively influences the  generations to come, including communities. It’s not therapy. It’s preventative.

Advocate and collaborate with us TODAY to encourage couples to engage in Marriage Education! 

Here’s why you should advocate…

Marriage Education:

  • Promotes healthy relationships
  • Reduces divorce rates
  • Enhances emotional intelligence
  • Improves conflict resolution
  • Positive impact on physical and mental health
  • Empowers individuals
  • Financial Benefits
  • Positive influence on families and future generations
  • Community well-being
  • Educational Awareness
  • Aligns with Positive Messaging
  • Fosters a Culture of Support


Here’s how…

👍 Be vocal on social media supporting Marriage Education

👍 Share updates on the latest research and trends

👍 Share statistics on the benefits of Marriage Education

👍 Share personal or others’ success stories

👍 Collaborate with us for interviews or joint content

👍 Keep followers informed about new developments

👍 Recommend books, podcasts, or online resources related to Marriage Education

👍 Partner with us – Let’s create a joint workshop, event or Marriage Education program for couples and/or for the parents


Partner with us! 
Yes, you can make a difference! 
It's easier and less time-consuming than what you think.